
Addictive Confessions

Read the best #addictive confession stories

I graduated from high school a year ago and I’m still addicted to nicotine, by this time I thought I would be out of that habit and onto a new life finding a career but I just go to a community college and smoke weed and vape everyday. I can’t stop.

#vape   #addictive  

I am a 13 year old girl who plays video games. Obviously, in the video games I play, there is nothing but older guys. Typically 16-30. I never give out my age, due to creepy old people, or because nobody wants to talk to a 13 year old "little girl". Since I don't tell anyone my age, the guys start to like me and I have about 10 guys I talk to on a daily basis but it's mainly just talking and occasional flirting. I am mentally, physically, and especially sexually attracted to older men. so I have had feelings for every one of them at one time. I've sent nudes to one of them, the other says he loves me and he wants to meet me and he would kiss me. (Keep in mind that I met every single one of these guys online) I told another guy that I liked him and he didn't say it back but he acts like it so I think he's leading me on and I want to stop contacting him but I just can't. I have almost every one of these guys chasing after me. I know it's wrong and I could get them thrown in jail for it but it's my addiction and I can't help it.

#addictive   #young   #online   #gaming  

I check this website almost every day because I love reading peoples confessions. It gives me great voyeuristic pleasure


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