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Bullshit Bashes

Read the best funny quotes and bashes with tag #bullshit

I've learned that you cannot make someone love you.

All you can do is stalk them and hope they panic and give in.


I want 100% of your attention 100% of the time. I don't think I'm asking for much.


I think I've finally taken enough selfies to prove to everyone that I do in fact live in my bathroom.


That annoying feeling when you're dying to talk to someone, but you refuse to text them first.


Bread is square. Cheese is square. Get with the program, bologna!


If you get a text from my number after midnight, it wasn't me that texted; it was tequila.


What is this sleeping you all speak of.


What’s the point of doing drugs if you don’t tell everyone on the Internet about it?


It's quite sad that our ancestors didn't have any phones to stare at when they were at the traffic light.


Weird to think that triangles didn't exist before the Illuminati.


Intimidate a tree by waving a stack of papers at it.


How long do I wait before I tell my dog he's adopted?


The good thing about falling into a bottomless pit is that you’ll never hit rock bottom.


Until I saw "Bridesmaids," I had no idea that women mostly poo in sinks.


I feel kind of like Survivor Man today the way I just left my house without my phone charger.


I would really love to listen to your bullshit but I’ve got no time to listen to your bullshit.


How long does evolution take cuz I've been in this bathtub for 2 hours and no fins. Ya, right, Darwin. Idiot.


Weird. My tears go up my face when I cry in Australia.


Someone just told me I am the Bill to their Ted. I'm not sure how to feel about this, dude.


Sometimes use the oven instead of the microwave to heat food. Let it know that you still need it. Ovens have feelings too, you know.


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