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Amazing Bashes

Read the best funny quotes and bashes with tag #amazing

That moment when you fall asleep on the couch and wake up with a blanket on you.


My dog definitely thinks I'm Jesus.


When you lay down to sleep tonight, try not to think about how your pillow is a Hometown Buffet for dust mites eating your dead skin cells.


Are they still selling National Geographic magazine now that teenagers have smart phones and Internet porn?


Strangely enough, the philosophy student came before the chicken AND the egg.


I just sent a fax. I just sent a freaking fax.


Those late night text conversations, where everything comes out, and you admit everything.


If my calculations are correct, in a few months we should arrive at 2013.


Just discovered you can extend the life of your iPhone battery if you don't use your phone constantly for 12 hours straight.


Those days when you don't care what you look like.


Game Tip: When challenging Edward Scissorhands to Rock, Paper, Scissors, ALWAYS choose Rock.


Most people don't realize this, but you can eat organic, gluten-free food without telling everyone around you.


Roll the dice for #amazing
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